- Flat with G.O., Circuit Only, Connector Type Only or Name Plate Only.
- Flat with Mylar or Metal Dome Tactile Effect.
- Embossing with Mylar or Metal Dome Tactile Effect.
- Embossing, Frame Type without Tactile Effect.
- Embossing, Frame Type with Mylar or Metal Dome Tactile Effect.
- Display Window: Transparent, Transparent with Anti-Glare ( Hard Coating ), Semi-Transparent ( Only LED Use )
MIL-50884C ( Rigid-Flex Multilayer ).
- Connector, Male Pin + Number of Pins, Female Pin with Housing + Number of Pins.
- Circuit Construction: Single Fold Circuit, Two Fold Circuit or No Fold Circuit.
- Maximum Circuit Rating: 35V ( DC ), 100 mA, 1W.
- Contact Resistance: 10 Ohm - 500 Ohm. ( depending on trace length and material used ).
- Insulation Resistance: 100M Ohm 250V.
- Dielectirc Withstand: 250V rms (50-60 Hz 1 min).
- Contact Bounce: <= 5 ms
- Life Expectancy: Flat Type >=5 million closure.
Tactile Type >= 1 million closure.
- Actuation Force: Flat Type = 57 ~ 284g ( 2~10 oz )
Tactile Type = 170 ~ 397g ( 6~14 oz )
- Switch Stroke: Flat Type = 0.1 ~ 0.5 mm
Tactile Type = 0.6 ~ 1.5 mm
- Operating Temperature: -40C ~ +80C.
- Storage Temperature: -40C ~ +85C.
- Humidity: 98% max.
- Vibration: 20G's max. ( 10 ~ 200 Hz )
(Mil-Std-202, M204, Condition B )