- Trace Width .004" Space Width .004"
- Hole Size: .012" (Min) Annual Ring: .005" (Min)
- Layer Thickness Tolerance:
One Layer; +/- .0005"
Two Layer; +/- .001"
Rigid-Flex; +/- .02"
- Material: Polyamide; .001" .002" .003" .005"
Conductor; 0.5 oz, 1 oz & 2 oz RA/ED Copper.
- All circuits to conform to MIL-P 50884 & MIL-45208 & various IPC standard specification.
- Specs: IPC-FC-250A ( Single Sided ) IPC-FC-250A ( Double Sided )
MIL-50884C ( Rigid-Flex Multilayer )
- Finishes: Hot Press or Tape-type adhesives.
- Order volumes must be no less than $2,500 ( not including NRE ), and normal turn-around time of 3-4 weeks ARO
with production data ( gerber file, drawings, aperture list, specifications and any special instructions ).